We accept visits only after confirming your order with us and deposit made to us for the trail order invoice as a financial engagement with us, only after then shall we go ahead to make an appointment schedule with you which takes a couple of days or in a case where you decide to visit before making deposit then you will be urge to make a EUR 310 payment which will cover the yard inspection and letter of invitation fee before we can approve your visit with us and schedule a date for the meeting.

This is only possible after we have received your EUR 310 fee which covers both the yard inspection and invitation letter cost, only then shall you receive a yard inspection confirmation with an Invitation letter from us stating your date of arrival and also date of exit from our facility.

Note that this requested fee of EUR 310 will cover both the yard inspection and invitation letter cost for all new clients who intent to pay us a visit before placing their trail order. Please contact us either on WhatsApp or by Email for more information.