Corn Oil

100% Refined Corn Oil
Shelf Life: 18 Months
Specific gravity @ 25°C: 0.914-0.921
Iodine value: 102 – 130
Saponification value: 187 – 193
Free fatty acids: < 2.0 mL of 0.02 N NaOH
Peroxide value: 5 meq/kg max
Unsaponifiable matter: <1.5%
Color Gardner: 5 max
Appearance: Golden yellow, bright & clear oily liquid
Odor: Bland, odorless
Smoke Point: 230C min. +/- 10C
Flash Point: 330C min. +/- 10C
in PET bottles (1L, 3L, 5L);
in bulk in flexitanks;



Taste Neutral
Impurities: Negative
Free Fatty Acid (%): max 0,10
Moisture (%): max 0,05
Peroxide Value (meq O2/kg): max 5
Specific gravity at 20 degr C: 0.91 – 0.93
Iodine value (g/100g): 103 – 128
Colour Lovibond 5 1/4 ” Red: max 2.5
Colour Lovibond 5 1/4 ” Yellow: max 25

C 12:0
C 14:0 (Myristic Acid)
C 16:0 ( Palmitic Acid ): 10 – 15
C16:1 (Palmitoleic Acid)
C 18:0 ( Stearic Acid ): 1 – 4
C 18:1 ( Oleic Acid ): 23 – 39
C 18:2 ( Linoleic Acid ): 42 – 61
C 18:3 ( Linolenic Acid ): 0.5 – 1.5
C 20:0 ( Arachidic Acid ): 0.2 – 1.2
C 20:1 ( Gadoleic Acid ):0.1 – 1
C 20:2 (Eicosenic Acid)
C 22:0 ( Behenic Acid ): 0.1 – 1
C 22:1 ( Erucic Acid ): < 0.3
C 24:0 ( Lignoceric Acid )


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